For Flourishing's Sake | Flourishing Podcast | Adele Bates Episode

For Flourishing’s Sake Podcast | Episode 10 | Adele Bates – Dealing with Challenging Student Behaviour

What do you do when your students tell you to f*?# off? How do you handle challenging behaviour and not let it get you down?

Managing and dealing with challenging student behaviour is not something we are often taught as teachers, yet if we don’t develop strategies, this can wear us down.  That is what happened to me when I was a teacher and, ultimately, I left the profession as a result.

Today’s guest is Adele Bates – I wish I’d known her when I was a teacher!

Adele is a Behaviour and Education Specialist.

She is a teacher, speaker, writer and educator for students with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. With over 17 years’ experience, Adele teaches these pupils in a variety of educational settings, trains others to do so – in schools, universities and conferences, and advises on whole school approaches to supporting these students.

You can find Adele at:

@adelejbates on Twitter


Sign up to Adele’s new two Free Video Series here.


Everyday Hero – 60 second version (Corporate, motivational, you tube, podcast) Music by Pond5

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