Happiness and Bouncing Back | BBC Northampton

Frederika Roberts discusses Happiness and ‘Bouncing Back’ with Bernie Keith and Denise Knowles on BBC Northampton



It should be the greatest time and it’s really, really sad that for a lot of kids, it isn’t.  I work with children aged typically between 8 and 11… it was primary schools that came to us and said ‘we need this’.  A lot of children are reporting anxiety due to testing.  They are putting a lot of pressure and expectation on themselves and are feeling a lot of pressure and expectation externally. But also broken families, divorce…it all has an impact on the children.  If we can teach them at an early age how to deal with anxiety, to deal with stress, in a way that is healthy, and to actually be happier, then they’re setting themselves up for life.

You definitely need to nurture it (the ability to bounce back)…doing these things (like practising gratitude) deliberately really makes a difference.

Listen to the 8 minute interview and hear Frederika discuss how we can bounce back and work on our happiness – and the benefits of doing so (for example, how this has helped her regain her voice after she lost it in September 2015 and took months to get it back – hard for anyone, but especially someone who speaks for a living).  Frederika also discusses the RWS programme and how it benefits children in primary schools – and why this is such a crucial age to develop positive mental health habits.

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